Thursday, 10 October 2013

Busy Woman

(Picture is by the wonderful and very talented photographer Abi Ellson)

I haven't been in blogland lately. Life just gets too busy. I have been working on getting the shop organised for Christmas, with a lot of new prints. And I have also been working on the Busy Woman's Weekly Planner which has been a long time in the making, but is finally for sale (you can find it here!) I found a printer who did a good job on the printing but added very flimsy backing boards, so I ordered reinforcement to strengthen them, and a holepuncher to make the little hanging holes. And then I did a little label and I waited and waited for everything to be delivered. And then I packed one up, and I did a little dance in my studio. Because it looks great, just how I wanted it to look, and because being a perfectionist isn't a bad thing at all.

In the midst of it all, my little Olive jumped of the bunk bed and broke her elbow. She had to have an operation on it and it made for a tough few weeks, with her dad abroad and a cast that was way too heavy to carry around. She didn't sleep, for a good three weeks, so I made her a little reward chart with little golden star stickers. She likes it a lot, but she still wakes up in the night and cries. We are going back to the children's hospital tomorrow to have the metal taken out again and for another x-ray and maybe we can ditch the cast after that

I added the reward chart to the Printables and I am adding a laminated version with golden stars to my NOTHS shop soon, because sleeping is good and maybe it helps in some way. Still I remind myself every day, that despite the chaos and the tiredness, we are still the lucky ones. And I can still smile, even though I am yawning...


And to celebrate that the planners have finally arrived, I am doing a little Give Away on my facebook page. If you want to join in you just have to pop over, like the page, leave a little comment and SHARE the love... I am picking three winners on Monday the 14th of October, so hurry up busy woman, before you get distracted by something else...

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